Sunday, 7 August 2011

My area is more shitter than yours!!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, introducing which area you live in.
And depending on the person, the conversation may to turn to an argument on who has the roughest area.

"Nahh man, my ends are rough mate, people get robbed in the park all the time"

"Naaahhhh Naaah man that's nothing, my ends are more rougher. The park itself got robbed, all they left were two holes in the ground, where the swings and slide used to be.
Then they took 'em home, and set them up in their garden."

By that point you have to say,

"O.k., your area is more shit, you win!"

and if your brave you can finish it with,

"Yeah, and do you know what you win, an addictive personality, an illegitimate child and an S.T.I."
Or do you wanna GAMBLE that, and win a TWO YEAR HOLIDAY in her majesty's correctional facility.

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