Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Cunt on the couch

So the parties over. And everyone is looking for a place to crash.
That docile and comatose stranger that you once saw slumped against the wall,
is now looking at the empty sofa.
The beds have been taken by lovers and experimenting drunkards.
And you need a place to sleep.
And low and behold the stranger is spewin' his guts out into the toilet.
This is your chance!

And as if the couch had been that thing missing from the side of your body all night,
you dive into the creases of sofa. And all your coins spill out your pocket into the gaping void.
You don't care.
You disappear under a blanket. Because if you can't see them, then they can't see you (naive).
And you pass out.
Until you are awoken the next morning by the sound of cleaning and clanking beer cans.
You hear the creaking of someone coming down the stairs, and phrase you will never forget,
"Who's that cunt on the couch?"

You may ask , Mikey, how do you know this story so well?

I am the cunt on the couch! ! !

And you may experience this at some point in your life, but where that badge with honour.
and although that couch may have felt, acted, and essentially is, like a bed.
When the new day starts, people need to sit down sometimes, and the multi-purpose use of a couch may send them mad. So you cannot lie in.
But if your in this position, have some fun with it.
If there are two chair objects free, make them into a conjoined sleeping experience.
Use your imagination, i wanna see what you come up with.


Sunday, 7 August 2011

"Not anymore, but I used to be!"

"I used to be" are the saddest words in any language

unless you were a murderer......

or an estate agent.

My area is more shitter than yours!!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, introducing which area you live in.
And depending on the person, the conversation may to turn to an argument on who has the roughest area.

"Nahh man, my ends are rough mate, people get robbed in the park all the time"

"Naaahhhh Naaah man that's nothing, my ends are more rougher. The park itself got robbed, all they left were two holes in the ground, where the swings and slide used to be.
Then they took 'em home, and set them up in their garden."

By that point you have to say,

"O.k., your area is more shit, you win!"

and if your brave you can finish it with,

"Yeah, and do you know what you win, an addictive personality, an illegitimate child and an S.T.I."
Or do you wanna GAMBLE that, and win a TWO YEAR HOLIDAY in her majesty's correctional facility.

So Goofy VS No Toothy

I once saw two specimen on the Jeremy Kyle show, who were at odds with each other.
We're all a fan of distinctive features, but one man had a little too much going on, it was as if his nose had a nose and one eye was looking at Jeremy Kyle and the other at the stage exit, hence "So Goofy".
Whereas the other looked as if he was under proportioned in certain parts, such as a missing eyebrow, chin, and of course teeth. Hence the name "No Toothy".  How you loose all your teeth, is still a mystery.
I feel the two men would be OK, if they could swap parts from each other,
Because its better to be So Toothy and No Goofy.